Thursday, March 24, 2011

7 Miles on our rest day???

So we are relaxing in Blairsville, GA and decide that need to go to Walmart to get some supplies. We ask our waitress how far away it is and she tells us about 2 miles. We think that will be alright since we'll be walking on a road and not over mountains. We set out at about noon and get to a fork in the road. We go into Burger King and ask the clerk which way to go. She tells us that it is to the right about 1/2 mile down. Great!! That's just around the corner. We get another mile down the road and there is no walmart in sight. We ask a man in a church parking lot and he says it is only 1/4 of a mile down right past those next set of buildings. We eventually got there and it was not right on the other side of the buildings, but instead another mile or so. The total distance was 3.5 miles each way. On the way home we had our thumbs out the entire time and no one even slowed down. I thought this was a "Hiker town".

One reason that we needed to go to Walmart is so I could find some type of arch support for my right foot. Yesterday morning as soon as we left camp I had a sharp pain shoot up my leg. It bothered me all day but was somewhat numb by the end of the day. This morning it was no longer numb and was throbbing unmercilessly. I wrapped it before the agonizing walk to Walmart. I thought that I was going to have to take a couple of weeks off for it to heal. In Walmart I found some arch supports and popped one in and the pain subsided. It is only a mild pain now that I have the insole. We are taking tomorrow off too. We will be at the Mountain Crossings Hostile tomorrow and plan our next few days. Check out some of the pictures in the next post.


  1. This is for Lauren. Looking forward to your next post. Know you are resting for the next stage of the attack! Hang tough, Gal! This too shall pass.

  2. Cliff, is that you??? I keep thinking about your advice, that the first 100 miles is the worst, I just keep trying to get through is so much harder actually hiking out here than reading about it!! I don't think most people realize how hard...I'm so glad you're following our have been great inspiration already!!!! -Lauren
